Quantum Linking is the ability to travel large distances as a party between points of interests in the universe, such as moons or orbital stations. The leader of the party can initiate a quantum travel jump, and any nearby party members can join this jump using Quantum Linking. This short guide will explain the basics.
You'll need to be in a party to initiate a quantum linked jump, which you can read about in the Grouping System guide.
For the party leader to initiate a party jump, you follow the same procedure you would for a solo jump. Line your ship up to your destination, then hit your quantum key (default: B) to start spooling your Quantum Drive. You'll see an expanded UI next to your reticle
The names and circles on the right indicate who is in your party, and who is ready to jump. Once the circles next to each party member fill up, you're ready to jump. Start the jump like normal (default: hold B after spooling and aligning) and anyone that is ready will jump with you.
As a party member, quantum linking with your party leader is just as easy. When your nearby party leader initiates a quantum jump, you will see the normal quantum jump UI show up.
Once you align and spool up your engines, all you need to do is wait for your party leader to start the jump. You'll automatically join the jump and arrive at the same destination.
Quantum Linking is a great way to get a group or squadron to the same area quickly. This is the current iteration of the system, and as always is subject to change in the future.