Discount coupons are a one-time use item attributed to an account that has achieved a certain period of subscription time using a single plan. See Subscriptions FAQ for more information on our subscription plans.
What's my discount?
Your subscription plan determines your discount!
- Centurion - 10%, Up to a max discount of $50. Coupon is distributed after accumulating 12 months of subscription time and then each 12 months after.
- Imperator Prime - 20%, Up to a max discount of $100. Coupon is distributed after accumulating 6 months of subscription time and then each 6 months after.
What can't I buy with discount coupons?
Discount coupons cannot be used on the store towards any pledge that involves any of the following items:
- Merchandise
- Event Tickets
- Subscriptions (Passes or Recurring Plans)
- Add-ons
- Ship Modules
Anything else other than the pledges listed above is fair game for your discount.
How do coupons work with Discounted Store Pledges?
If there is a special promotion offering a discounted pledge price for any ship or other item like paints or a skin, the discounts will not stack. Applying a subscriber discount coupon to an order will take precedence and overwrite the promotional discount.
How do I use my discount coupon?
- Add items and pledges to your shopping cart from the Pledge Store.
- Go to your Cart.
- Before moving on to enter payment information, on the right side under ORDER SUMMARY you will see some text boxes.
- Click into the one under Add a coupon.
- Enter your coupon code and then press enter.
- Click the orange CHECKOUT button.
Once you begin the checkout process and start entering payment information, you will not be able to apply the coupon!
The coupon is fully used when you complete payment for the order using the coupon so consider wisely.
IMPORTANT! Discount coupons are one-time use only. Regardless of what happens to any pledges and orders that the coupon was applied to, be it refunded, reclaimed, or gifted to a friend, you cannot get it back. RSI Support staff will not assist with recovering used coupons.
I believe I might be missing an Imperator Coupon, what should I do?
Coupons were previously granted to subscribers every 12 months of accumulated time but this benefit was updated to every 6 months of accumulated time in November 2023.
This update did not apply retroactively to previous time subscribed before the change was made. For example if you had accumulated 6 months of total subscription time before November 2023 then your next coupon would be after hitting 12 months total. Then every 6 months from there.
If you were subscribed as an Imperator before this change to the program and did not receive a coupon for hitting your previous 12 month milestone, please reach out to support so we can take a look for you.
Reclaiming pledges and discount coupons
If you purchase a pledge with a discount coupon, you receive only the amount you initially paid in store credit upon reclaiming it. You won't receive the full non-discounted amount. Always remember, you get store credit only for what was originally paid on the item, minus any applicable taxes.
An example: A player applies a Centurion discount coupon to an Aurora ES pledge that costs $20 USD, the coupon lowers the price to $18 USD. Upon later reclaiming this pledge, $18 store credit will be applied to the RSI Account.
Pledge Buy-Back of Discounted Pledges
Should you decide to reacquire a pledge through the pledge buy-back, either with cash or store credit, you will not receive your subscriber discount again and will need to pay the full pledge price. This is not an issue with the store or the buy-back system and is working as it should.
As mentioned above, Subscriber Discount Coupons are one-time use, and RSI Support staff will not assist with re-applying the discount or recovering your coupon once it has been used.
Gifting pledges and Discount Coupons
If you use the coupon when pledging for a ship or game package, as long as it was made with cash and the pledge is eligible for gifting it can be gifted to a friend whenever you like. For details on gifting restrictions, see our Gifting FAQ.
If your friend tries to reclaim this gifted pledge, they only get store credit for what you paid not including the discount or tax, as noted above.