Organizations are groups of site members with their own distinctive information, look, and goals. Each Organization (sometimes just called Orgs) has its own Name (not unique) and Spectrum ID (SID, unique). Two different Orgs can have the same Name, but have a unique SID (10 uppercase character string). Organizations that are created on the website are destined to persist into the future Star Citizen environment.
Will Alpha Orgs exist when the game releases?
The plan is for all player Organizations to be persistent into the game’s universe when the game finally releases. You can start building, expanding, and engaging your Org now during the Alpha. All work on your Org will not go to waste or be removed at release.
Joining and Leaving Orgs
Everything you need to know about joining and playing in an Organization.
How do I join an Org?
Only users who are backers or have a game package can join an Organization.
You have two ways to join an Organization:
- Apply through the org's page
- Get an invite from the org
Browse Orgs through the Organizations page. You can also search through all Orgs using the Find page.
When you find an Org you are interested in, check their page. Look over their information, watch videos, and more.
Want to apply? Click Join us now! and fill out the application. You can review your applications through the Applications page.
Be selective as you receive invites!
I am getting spammed by Org invites. Help!
You can choose to block unwanted Organization invites by toggling the option found your Account Overview.
How do I leave an organization?
You can choose to leave the Org you’re in by going to the Organization section of your Profile Settings. Click Leave. You can find a new Org or create your own.
Organization Information
An Organization binds a group of players together more than just a name or icon next to a name. Every Org can have:
- A unique name and Spectrum ID for the web site URL
- An Archetype of focus in the galaxies
- Selected activities for the group
- Images for logo and more
- Information, charters, rules, and more
What is a Spectrum ID?
A Spectrum ID, or SID, is the unique chain of up to 10 characters that is used to identify an Organization in the Spectrum channels. Due to restrictions in the channel’s encryption, this SID must be composed solely of uppercase alphanumeric characters. Before joining an Organization, be very careful that you’re not joining a doppelgänger by checking the SID!
What is an Archetype?
An Organization has an archetype set to describe what the Org is all about. We have set up 5 basic archetypes for Organizations to help define the Org. These settings are strictly for flavor and role-playing, without any effect on the game.
Organization - Want to make your own way without any previous association? Feel free to keep with the default nondescript type!
Corporation – a for-profit business entity. A corporation is a great choice for everything from shipping flo-pets to Goss II to Organizing a hostile takeover of Origin Jumpworks.
PMC (Private Military Company) – For Organizations with a taste for combat. Focuses for PMCs include escorting cargo runs, hunting for pirates or helping the UEE take on the Vanduul.
Faith – Organizations that have come together for a single cause or under a single banner. This could be rebels fighting for Terran independence or the devout followers of the LAMP!
Syndicate – Common interest groups for those who operate on the edges (or outside) of the law. There’s safety in numbers when you’re moving contraband through Spider or preying on hapless cargo ships.
Club - A group of individuals whose primary interests and activities revolve around a specific brand or make of vehicle.
What are activities?
Activities further define what your Org is all about! You can select activities your Org plans to do, or what you are looking to do in game. These activities include:
- Exploration
- Trading
- Piracy
- Smuggling
- Defense
- Resources
- Transport
- Scouting
- Infiltration
- Engineering
- Freelancing
- Bounty Hunting
Like archetypes, these are purely role-play elements for Org flavor, to help members gather around their shared interest in certain aspects of the game. They have no impact on the Organization.
What are ranks and roles?
The administrators of an Organization have the option to attribute a Rank to any member. Ranks are a specific status to signify the importance that a member has earned in the Organization. It can be worn with pride but offers no specific rights or roles.
On the other hand, an Organization’s Founder can give Roles to other members to delegate some of the Org’s management. Roles provide access and abilities to make changes in the Org.
A member can have any number of Roles:
- Owner can do anything, from recruiting to customization, to simply disbanding the organization.
- Recruitment can send out invites to the Org, and accept or deny applicants.
- Officer can manage the Org’s members, and their roles/ranks, as well as moderating the Org’s private Chat channel.
- Marketing can change the Org’s public appearance, official texts, history, manifesto and charter.
What is Commitment?
You've heard it in many games: "We're HARDCORE!" "I'm a casual gamer, playing on the weekends." "I just play!" You can set your Organization for one of these commitment types:
- Casual - These players enjoy the game when they can, with limited time but a love for the game. They watch videos, check out the game, and devote time when they can.
- Regular - These players have a love for the game, trying everything out. They have more time than a casual player, follow the game avidly, and discuss features.
- Hardcore - These players LIVE AND BREATHE the game! They theorycraft, watch videos, may have a live stream or take part in others, and jump on every ship update and sale.
Create and Customize Your Organizations
With everything in mind, it's time to create and customize your Organization. See the ultimate Create and Customize an Organization guide!
Manage Your Organization
How do I dissolve my Organization?
To dissolve an Organization, click on the admin section while on the Organization main page. In the admin area, click on Settings > Ownership. You will see the option to dissolve the Organization.
Important! If you dissolve an Org, you can never get it back! When you dissolve an Organization, everything in it is pretty much lost. So there’s really no way of just putting it back up.
I transferred ownership of my Org to another member. How do I get it back?
The process of transferring Organization ownership is irreversible and cannot be undone. The member will need to transfer the ownership to make any changes. RSI Player Relations cannot change the leadership for you.
How many Organizations can be a member of?
You can join up to 10 Organizations. But to create one, you must not be a member of any Organization.
Can I change my Spectrum ID (SID)?
No, this cannot be changed, even if an organization is renamed.