The universe of Star Citizen is filled with chain stores and street vendors alike, each offering a unique selection of equipment or clothing. Major landing zones usually provide a mall-like experience, with specialized stores covering most of your needs, whereas quieter areas might have unique variants or niche equipment.
Note: All transactions in the Persistent Universe use aUEC (Alpha United Earth Credits). For more information, visit the Currencies of Star Citizen guide.
Despite the diverse selection, the shopping process is simple and standardized. You can either approach the item you are interested in directly, or, where available, use one of the touch-screen terminals to browse the store's entire inventory.
Purchasing Display Items
To buy an item on display, approach it and enter Person Inner Thought mode by holding the F key. The brand logo, item name and price will be displayed, as well as options to BUY, TRY ON or INSPECT the item.
If you like what you see and have the necessary funds, clicking on the BUY option will open your mobiGlas so that you can complete the purchase. Additional details will also be provided to help you to make an informed purchasing decision.
Shop Kiosks
You can also browse shopping kiosks by pressing F to activate them via Personal Inner Thought. Whilst they are not as hands-on, they offer several benefits. For example, the store may not display all of its available stock, so you might find extra products within its digital catalog. Consumable goods such as ammunition can be bought quickly in volume using the intuitive interface.
Once the transaction has completed, your items will be delivered to your Global Inventory so that you can start Equipping Your Character.
You can also visit our more specific guide on Buying Ships with aUEC.
For more information about goods intended to be collected, extracted or traded, visit our Commodities guide.