Aside from commodity trading and mining, another way to earn your keep to buy the latest and greatest ship is by doing contracts, or missions, for others around the 'verse. These contracts could be from random events, a series of missions given by a specific NPC, or even requests for help made by other players.
How to Accept Missions/Contracts
Getting a nice line-up of missions ready is easy!
Open the mobiGlas. The default key-bind to do this is F1. Select the Contracts Manager app using the right-most button from the group in the lower left:
Select either GENERAL or PERSONAL to view the list of currently available mission categories with active contracts to claim. Categories with new missions will have a number beside them indicating how many new offers are available.
Select an available contract to view the details of what will be asked of the person that accepts the mission. Details such as rewards, the person offering it, and the time limit on the contract (if any).
Click the ACCEPT OFFER button on the lower right to add the mission to the "ACCEPTED" tab.
How to share a mission with your party
Sharing a mission and its rewards with your party is now a really simple process!
Head to your Contract Manager and then to your ACCEPTED tab, as below.
Select the mission you wish to share and at the bottom right of the screen will be a SHARE button. Click this button to share the selected mission with your party!
All party members will be prompted to accept or deny the mission and if they accept it, it will appear in their Contract Manager.
All party members will get an equal share of mission rewards when the mission is completed.
Mission Types
Below is a list of the typical missions and contracts that you may see offered via the Contract Manager in game. This is not an exhaustive list. There may be different missions from what is listed here offered at various points in the game or new types added in the future.
- Delivery - The player is tasked with picking up an item and delivering it to a specified location. This may or may not involve flying to a remote location by ship.
- Maintenance- A request for assistance with some sort of issue at a location, such as "clean-up duty" to remove wreckage or waste.
- Mercenary - Requests to go out and kill someone or several someones (or maybe even someTHING).
- ECN Alert - Short for "Emergency Communication Network" Alert, these are distress calls from ships or people requesting assistance.
- Service Beacon - Missions spawned from another player sending out a request for assistance.
- Investigation - Requests to visit a location and gather info or data on specific objects.
Additionally to these, a mission may be offered under two different categories:
- General - These missions are available for everyone eligible and within range to accept.
- Personal - These contracts are offered exclusively to you.
Dynamic Event Missions
During certain special events, there will be what are called dynamic event missions available to acquire and participate in which will involve all players that accepted the mission on a given server in the 'verse. These can be picked up in the same manner as other missions as noted above. Keep an eye on the comm-links on the main RSI website to keep up to date on any events that may involve these sorts of missions.
Progress toward mission completion for these large scale, server wide missions is contributed through the combined efforts of all participating players. Work together to ensure everything is done efficiently and successfully to reap the rewards.
These large scale missions will also have multiple phases to complete, however each phase may not begin immediately after completion of the current one. The time between phases could be several hours or several days. Until the next phase begins, players can repeat the current phase of the mission as they please.
Common Commands
- Interacting with Objects - The default key-binding to interact with an object is the F Key. Holding F will bring up more options available (if applicable) to allow a player to select the needed option to complete the mission objective.
- Stowing a Held Object - Many missions may require that an item be taken and returned to a specific contact or drop off point. To stow the object on your person, press 6 on the keyboard (not the 6 key on the number pad).