Some players have reported that their ships are being stored and disappear when they leave the ship for short periods of time. While this is something that should happen when blocking a landing pad or when a player goes offline, this has been occurring while players are in remote areas in space and on surfaces of planets. We have also seen a few instances where a player's ship is stored or lost shortly after it is requested from an ASOP terminal. This is very much unintentional.
If a ship does get stored in a random location where it cannot be retrieved, the only option is to file an insurance claim at a terminal to respawn the ship. This may cause players to lose all cargo or aftermarket weapons attached to the ship.
At this time we do not have a way of recovering lost aUEC, equipment, or cargo for players who experience a bug or issue that causes the loss of these.
To help attempt to avoid this issue happening at outposts, try to park your ship away from landing areas so that it is not blocking any other landing pads.
Please report this on the Issue Council if you experience this issue.