Pledge Items Lost on Death
Personal player inventories have been introduced and players will now lose all of their carried items should they die, as they will remain with the player's corpse instead of staying with them upon respawning. You will need to return to where you died to recover your items on your own. Items lost will be only what you were carrying at the time of death and anything safely stored in a landing zone will be retained.
This is why it is important to take care of your health and request assistance should you find yourself incapacitated.
This also applies to items from the pledge store, including subscriber items, however the pledges for these remain attributed to you on your account even though they may be lost in game. We are examining solutions for recovering these looted pledge items in the future, but for now your items will return on next major game patch.
This is intended functioning of the system and so RSI Support cannot assist with recovering items lost to death if they are taken by someone else before you can retrieve them yourself. If you have feedback on this aspect of Star Citizen, please head to Spectrum to join in on the discussion.