For players starting in Area18, this guide provides directions from Area18's Adira Falls hab where you wake up, to Riker Memorial Spaceport, where you can retrieve your ship to explore the rest of the 'Verse!
Before continuing, you can learn the basic movement and interaction controls over in the first section of the Getting Started in the 'Verse guide. You can also head back there for details on how to pilot your ship once the rendezvous is complete.
Check out Locations in Star Citizen to learn more about Area18 and the other major landing zones and spaceports.
From Hab to Ship
Leave your hab and look for the single elevator, opposite the window in the main corridor. You will need to go down to the Ground Floor to get out of the Adira Falls habs building and into the city. Remember, the F key will let you interact with panels and other things!
As you leave Adira Falls, turn right and head for the ArcCorp Plaza sign.
Enter the twisting alley, past the vending machines and scaffolding, towards the shimmering turquoise wall.
You will emerge in the vibrant ArcCorp Plaza. Head right, under the FIZZ hologram's colorful rain, and look for the AC CityFlight sign just to the left.
Enter the CityFlight Transit station and head down the brightly-lit steps.
Follow the right-hand branch to the Spaceport platform.
The gate will be on your left. If you miss the train, it should not be long before another arrives.
Take in the city views from your lofty perspective, but do not forget to disembark at the first stop. You will know when you have arrived from the sign on the far wall.
Turn right past the waiting area and head through Customs.
Ahead of you will be the Vehicle Retrieval Consoles from which you can call your ship! Be sure to make note of the hangar number that is assigned, as you will need to select corresponding option in the hangar elevator.
To reach your ship, carry on past the consoles and head to the main waiting area with the viewing area on the left.
You will find the elevators on the right. All elevators can travel to all hangars- so pick the first one that is available.
Each elevator is unmarked, so look out for the red double doors with the dual-button panel on the right.
Provided you have remembered your hangar number correctly, you should find your ship awaiting you when the elevator doors slide open.
Congratulations! You made it through the dizzy heights of Area18 to your ride out of town. You can now continue with the flight section of the Getting Started in the 'Verse guide, or if you prefer, just "wing it".
For more information on flight, visit our guides: