While we have a wide selection of options available on the pledge store, there are certain ships and other special packages that are not available all the time. If you don't see the ship or package you are looking for available as a pledge, it will be due to one of the following reasons:
- The ship or vehicle is a limited edition or a rare ship and is currently not available for pledges. (e.g. The 2949 Best in Show variants)
- The ship or vehicle had a limited number of units available for pledging and is now of out of stock. (e.g. the Kraken)
- Trying to pledge for a Warbond ship or package with store credit will not work or return an error.
- An upgrade is not available because the target ship is of equal or lesser value than the current ship.
- The ship or vehicle was offered during a special Concept Promotion which has ended. (e.g. the Pioneer)
- A special achievement or badge is required to pledge for the ship. (e.g. Pirate gladius)
- The package is only available to players who have reached Concierge status.
- The pledge was added to the account's shopping cart and the order was not completed before the pledge left the store.
- The ship or game package has been discontinued and removed from the store.
All of the above also apply when attempting to upgrade your ship, where applicable. RSI Support will not assist with bypassing these restrictions.