Have you found yourself in possession of a pledge with a ship that's not yet Flight Ready? We've got you covered, providing you with a loaner ship to ensure that you are able to fly inside the current version of Star Citizen Alpha.
Below is our Loaner Ship Matrix that currently has all ships not available in the PU (Persistent Universe) and their respective loaners until that ship becomes "Flight Ready."
There are a couple of points to note about this list:
- The concept of "ship loaners" was introduced to allow players who owned a game package and a single ship to play the game when that ship was unavailable. The loaners for each ship are not intended to be a 1:1 "best case substitute" for the ship that isn't flight ready.
- The presence of a valid game package is required for loaners to be granted to an account.
- If a new ship becomes Flight Ready and is a better substitute, the loaner will be updated.
- Due to the current restrictions in Arena Commander, certain ships have a secondary loaner to allow them to play in all game modes.
Example: Freelancer owners receive an Anvil Arrow for use in Arena Commander play modes.
These are not permanent additions to your fleet. Once a ship on this list is Flight Ready, the loaner will be replaced by the ship you purchased and removed from this thread.
Loaners will not stack. You will never receive more than one of each loaner ship, regardless of how many are allocated based on the ships in your hanger.
Example: Owning four Pioneers will not grant four Caterpillars.
- Something to bear in mind: if you have multiple concept ships that grant the same loaner you will only receive 1 loaner for them all.
Example: If you own the Hull A and Hull B, you will only receive one Freelancer as the loaner.
- RSI Support cannot swap loaners by request.
IMPORTANT! Players should not expect up to date ship loaners on the Public Test Universe (PTU)
While we endeavor to ensure that players have usable ships on the current Star Citizen Alpha Live servers, we cannot guarantee the same for the PTU as testing focus on upcoming changes and additions to the game is paramount.
Likewise, the same is the case for other testing instances such as the EPTU or the Tech Preview servers.
While we endeavor to ensure that players have usable ships on the current Star Citizen Alpha Live servers, we cannot guarantee the same for the PTU as testing focus on upcoming changes and additions to the game is paramount.
Likewise, the same is the case for other testing instances such as the EPTU or the Tech Preview servers.
Loaner Ship Matrix
Last Updated: December 10th, 2024 | 3.24.3-live.9423704
Known Issues:
2024-05-14 - All variants of the Mole are having various mining UI issues. As a result we have issued a Prospector loaner to all owners of any variant of a Mole.
2024-05-23 - Customized 315p's are missing HUD UI elements, but uncustomized 315p's are not experiencing this bug. Thus, all owners of the 315p will receive a second one as a loaner so they can customize one and use the other.
2024-05-14 - All variants of the Mole are having various mining UI issues. As a result we have issued a Prospector loaner to all owners of any variant of a Mole.
2024-05-23 - Customized 315p's are missing HUD UI elements, but uncustomized 315p's are not experiencing this bug. Thus, all owners of the 315p will receive a second one as a loaner so they can customize one and use the other.
315p (customized) | 315p (non-customized; see known issue above) |
400i | 325a |
600i Touring | 325a |
600i Explorer and Executive | 325a, Cyclone |
890 Jump | 325a, 85x |
Apollo | Cutlass Red |
Arrastra | Prospector, Mole, Arrow |
Carrack / Carrack Expedition | C8 Pisces, URSA Rover |
Carrack w/ C8X / Carrack Expedition w/C8X | C8X Pisces Expedition, URSA Rover |
Caterpillar | Buccaneer |
Centurion | Aurora MR |
Corsair | Buccaneer |
Crucible | Constellation Andromeda |
CSV-SM | Aurora MR |
Cyclone Variants | Aurora MR |
Dragonfly | Aurora MR |
E1 Spirit | A1 Spirit |
Endeavor | Starfarer, Cutlass Red |
Expanse | Prospector, Reliant Kore |
Fury Variants | Aurora MR |
G12 Variants | Lynx |
Galaxy | Carrack |
Genesis Starliner | Hercules C2 |
Hull B | Hull A, Arrow |
Hull C | Arrow |
Hull D, E | Hull C, Hercules C2, Arrow |
Hurricane | F7C-M Super Hornet |
Idris-M & P | Polaris, F7C-M Super Hornet, MPUV Passenger |
Ironclad (+ Assault) | Caterpillar |
Javelin | Polaris, MPUV Cargo |
Kraken (+ Privateer) | Polaris, Hercules C2, Caterpillar, and Buccaneer |
Liberator | Hercules M2, F7C-M Super Hornet |
Legionnaire | Vanguard Hoplite |
Lynx | Aurora MR |
Mantis | Aurora LN |
Merchantman | Hull C, Defender, Hercules C2 |
Mole (all variants) | Prospector |
MPUV-Tractor | Aurora MR |
Mule | Aurora MR |
Nautilus | Polaris, Avenger Titan |
Nova | Aurora MR |
Nox | Aurora MR |
Odyssey | Carrack, Reliant Kore |
Orion | Prospector, Mole |
Paladin | Redeemer |
Perseus | Polaris, Vanguard Harbinger |
Pioneer | Caterpillar, Nomad |
Polaris | F7C-M Super Hornet |
Pulse (+ LX) | Aurora MR |
Railen | Constellation Taurus, Syulen |
RAFT | F7C Hornet |
Ranger CV | Cyclone |
Ranger RC | Cyclone RC |
Ranger TR | Cyclone TR |
Redeemer | Arrow |
Retaliator | Gladiator |
ROC (+ ROC DS) | Aurora MR |
Scorpius | F7C-M Super Hornet |
SRV | Aurora LN |
Starlancer TAC | Starlancer MAX |
Storm Variants | Aurora MR |
STV | Aurora MR |
Terrapin (+ Medic) | F7C-M Super Hornet |
Valkyrie | F7C-M Super Hornet |
Vulcan | Starfarer |
Vulture | Buccaneer |
X1 (+ Velocity, Force) | Aurora MR |
Zeus Mk II MR | Zeus Mk II ES |
The Ship Pipeline
Ships work through the ship pipeline process from concept to flight ready:
- In Concept - Artists and designers determine the concept look, 3D renders, and functional design for a ship.
- Long Term Production - Development work is planned and added to the Roadmap.
- Active Production - Development, designers, and QA work from start to finish on the ship.
- Hangar Ready - The ship loads for display and interactions.
- Flight Ready - The ship can fly with full operations including physics, interactions, systems, fuel, cargo, and more. These ships are ready in game for you!
Learn more in the Making of Star Citizen video series: