Included vessels, sometimes called secondary craft, snub fighter, or "parasite craft", are vehicles that are included with a larger “parent” ship. These are usually smaller ships or vehicles like the Ursa Rover or C8 Pisces. As these craft are currently handled through our loaner system and depend on having the parent ship/vehicle attributed in a player's hangar, they are not items that are listed within pledge itself.
Important: Loaners do not stack, and you will only ever receive one loaner of a vehicle.
If you have multiple ships that grant the same secondary vessel, you will still only have access to one copy of that vessel. This will likely change in the future once these secondary craft are no longer utilizing the loaner system.
These vessels will not appear in the ship list for a given pledge, nor the "Also Contains" section on the Store Page, your Hangar Management page, or in the Ship Upgrade Tool. Instead, once you are in-game you should have access to them through your mobiGlas and at the ASOP panels in various locations around the 'verse.
For example, the UEE Exploration 2950 pack provides the following ships:
- Carrack Expedition - if you upgrade this to something other than a Carrack Expedition, you would no longer have access to the included craft
- C8 Pisces snub (included) - not listed in the pledge
- URSA Rover (included) - not listed in the pledge
- C8X Pisces Expedition – a standalone ship that can be upgraded
- Cyclone RN
- Terrapin
- Dragonfly Black
- Freelancer DUR
As all included vessels depend on the parent ship to exist, it is intended that if you upgrade away from the parent ship, or reclaim it, you will lose access to those additional ships. In the same vein, it is intended that these vessels are paired with the 'parent ship' so these cannot be reclaimed or upgraded on their own.
Below is a table going over the currently announced** ships that contain an additional included vessel that grants a loaner in game:
Parent Ship | Included Vessel |
600i Executive Edition | G12* (currently Cyclone) |
600i Explorer | G12* (currently Cyclone) |
890 Jump | 85X |
Carrack | C8 Pisces, URSA Rover |
Carrack Expedition | C8 Pisces, URSA Rover |
Carrack w/ C8X | C8X Pisces Expedition, URSA rover |
Carrack Expedition w/ C8X | C8X Pisces Expedition, URSA rover |
Constellation Andromeda | P-52 Merlin |
Constellation Aquila | URSA Rover, P-52 Merlin |
Constellation Phoenix | P-72 Archimedes, Lynx rover |
Constellation Phoenix Emerald | P-72 Archimedes, Lynx rover |
Idris-M Frigate* | MPUV-Personnel |
Idris-P Frigate* | MPUV-Personnel |
Javelin* | MPUV-Cargo |
* Ship is still in production and is not available in game. See the Loaner Ship Matrix for the temporary replacement until the ship is flight-ready.
** As with all things in a Alpha test, things are subject to change based on design and balance needs.
Insurance Claims and Included Vessels
Should a player need to file an insurance claim on a ship that has an included craft, to ensure that everything goes as planned, file a claim on the included vessel first before doing so on the parent ship (if needed).