Want to lead a group of friends as a...
- Squad of elite soldiers?
- Merchant traders seeking every mining spot out there?
- Information task force for an elite corp?
- PIRATES?! Everything is better with pirates.
Organizations give you the freedom not only to play your way, but with others!
What kind of Organization can you build?
ANYTHING! Your organization can be based on just about anything you can think of in Star Citizen. If you need some ideas, consider the Archetypes and Activities available.
Get some ideas!
Pick an Archetype!
Organization - Want to make your own way without any previous association? Feel free to keep with the default nondescript type!
Corporation – a for-profit business entity. A corporation is a great choice for everything from shipping flo-pets to Goss II to organizing a hostile takeover of Origin Jumpworks.
PMC (Private Military Company) – For organizations with a taste for combat. Focuses for PMCs include escorting cargo runs, hunting for pirates or helping the UEE take on the Vanduul.
Faith – Organizations that have come together for a single cause or under a single banner. This could be rebels fighting for Terran independence or the devout followers of the LAMP!
Syndicate – Common interest groups for those who operate on the edges (or outside) of the law. There’s safety in numbers when you’re moving contraband through Spider or preying on hapless cargo ships.
Club - A group of individuals whose primary interests and activities revolve around a specific brand or make of vehicle.
And pick 2 Activities!
- Exploration
- Trading
- Piracy
- Smuggling
- Defense
- Resources
- Transport
- Scouting
- Infiltration
- Engineering
- Freelancing
- Bounty Hunting
Create Your Organization
When you create an organization, you fill in some basic information then customize later. You can only create an Organization if you are not a member of any group.
- Visit the Organizations page.
- Click Create.
- Enter a unique Name. This can be more than one word for the name. For example, EVOCATI - NDA for our Evocati Test Flight group.
- Enter a Spectrum ID. This ID displays as the canonical name of the organization web link. For example, AVOCADO for our Evocati Test Flight group: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/AVOCADO
Important! The Spectrum ID selected here CANNOT be changed after it is chosen. RSI Support staff cannot assist with changing it. Make sure it is what you want and follows the code of conduct. Orgs with inappropriate Spectrum IDs will be deleted entirely.
- Select an Archetype for the organization, which classifies what kind of organization this is.
- Select your Commitment: Casual, Regular, Hardcore.
- Select the Primary Language of players. This is for text and voice chats.
- Select if the organization will Roleplay.
- Set the Primary and Secondary Activities your organization. Players will use these to find an organization they want to join. Click the drop-down and select what matches best!
- Write a quick tagline or Introduction for your organization. This is the first information the players will see, up to 300 words. You can update and expand this information anytime.
- Set if membership to the organization is displayed (Visible) or hidden (Redacted).
- Click Create organization.
Customize your Organization
Adding images, introductions, a charter and rules, and all those extra touches can bring your Organization to life.
Need inspiration? Check out existing Organizations here: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community/orgs
Access the Admin
You need to have a role with Admin access to your Organization to edit content and customize with stellar images.
To access the Admin options:
- Open your Organization page.
- Click Admin to access all management options.
- Click Branding. The Content tab has all content and written information. The Appearance tab provides all images.
Create Organization Images
You will need to create a series of images saved to your local computer. We support .png and .jpg files, web quality (72 DPI). These are the following images and dimensions you need to follow for best results:
- Banner - Dimensions: 1140 width x 380 height in pixels - Displays across the top of the Org page, behind the Logo.
- Background - Dimensions: 1366 width x 768 height in pixels - Displays as a full background for all of your Org pages.
- Logo - Dimensions: 175 width x 175 height in pixels - Displays on the main page, over the banner.
- Icon - Dimensions: 24 width x 24 height in pixels - Displays on your member's profile pages, indicating they are members of your Org.
Add Your Images
- Open your Organization. Click Appearance.
- To set the general colors for your Org, select a theme. This affects color links and styling.
- Click Change to upload an image per area of your Organization. You must have the image saved locally to upload.
- Scroll to bottom and click Preview to verify the images for your page.
- If everything looks correct, click Publish to make it live.
Add Content to Describe the Organization
We support the following types of content. You can use the Content tab to enter and format using the editor controls including headings, bold, italics, bullets (numbered and unordered), and more.
- Introduction - 300 characters max - This is your quick tagline to draw in players. It displays on the landing page, right under the name.
- History - A detailed history of your Org, where they patrol, sectors of space, who began the Org, and story elements as you like. Displays on the landing page.
- Manifesto - What does your Org believe in, seek out, and intend to do in the 'Verse. Displays on the landing page.
- Charter - Rules of the Org, what's allowed, disallowed, and more. Displays on the landing page.
- Cover - Optional image for your Org.
- Youtube Video - Link an Org video hosted on Youtube for your Org.
Check the changes! Make updates.
Visit or reload your Organization page to check your additions and changes as you go. The link is https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/SID (or Spectrum ID).
- Check the size of the image matches the Dimensions per image area.
- Check the file type: .jpg or .png recommended.
- Open the image locally.
- Clear your browser cache, or use another web browser to load the images.
Here's an example using our Evocati organization page.