When reinstalling for a new Launcher or to troubleshoot errors and issues, you need to fully remove the game and dependent configuration files.
Saving your custom files
Go to the Mappings folder: (install drive)\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\USER\Controls\Mappings
Save any profile, keybindings, etc. files to a new temp folder.
Go to the game install folder: ex. (install drive)\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\
Save the user.cfg file to a new temp folder.
Uninstall the Game
If a player only needs to re-install the game as a troubleshooting step, there is an option to uninstall a specific channel of the game (Live, PTU, etc.) within the RSI Launcher.
- Open the RSI Launcher if it is not already.
- Login to your RSI account via the Launcher.
- Select the Game Environment that you wish to uninstall from the drop down menu above the "Launch Game" (or "Update") button.
- Click the gear icon next to the selected game environment option.
- Select Uninstall from the menu options presented.
Once this has completed, the option to install the game again should reappear.
Clear the Launcher Cache
In some instances of launcher troubleshooting and to avoid tedious steps and time spent reinstalling everything, you may not want to delete the entire folder in the appdata location as outlined below. The RSI Launcher includes a tool to try to troubleshoot the launcher without such a drastic and time consuming option: the Clear Launcher Cache button.
Doing this will force the launcher to refresh some of the locally stored files on your computer which could help solve a number of strange problems.
To locate and use this option:
- Open the RSI Launcher if it is not already.
- Login to your RSI account via the Launcher.
- Click the RSI icon in the upper left.
- Select the Settings option from the menu.
- Under the Application options, click the CLEAR LAUNCHER CACHE button.
If this does not solve the issue and further more complete deletion steps are needed, then you will want to do the next step before deleting everything and starting from scratch.
Save the Log Files
To help our teams locate and troubleshoot persistent and annoying technical issues, providing the log files that the game and launcher generates are the best option. Before moving on to the next step and deleting everything, you will want to save these files to provide on the RSI Launcher Issue Council or if RSI Support Agents ask for them.
The GET LOGS button, located next to the CLEAR LAUNCHER CACHE button as indicated in the screenshot above, will take you directly to the location of these log files on your computer. Stash them somewhere safe before moving on.
Fully delete all files
The following instructions will fully clear and delete the Launcher and game files:
- Right click on the Windows icon and select Run.
- Enter and run %appdata% and click Ok. This opens Users\CurrentProfile\Appdata\Roaming. Delete the rsilauncher folder.
- Right click on the Windows icon and select Run again.
- Enter and run %localappdata% and click Ok. This opens Users\CurrentProfile\Appdata\Local. Delete the StarCitizen folder.
- In the file manager, navigate to (install drive)\Program Files. Delete the entire Roberts Space Industries folder.
- Clear your Trash/Recycle Bin. The amount of files deleted need to be cleared to save space.
Administrator, Standard Windows user, and appdata files
If you don't find Star Citizen or RSI files in appdata under your Windows account, it's possible they are under the Administrator account. When you right-click on the Launcher and select "Run as Administrator", Windows uses an Admin or Administrator account and generates appdata folders for it.
To see what user account folders you have, use a File Manager and navigate to c:\Users. Make note of the name like Admin. After opening an appdata location, you can edit the folder location bar with the admin name. For example: C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local
logindata.json file change
The new RSI Launcher generates a new logindata.json file every time you open the Launcher. This file only exists while the Launcher is open. When you open the Launcher and login, the file generates. When closed, the file is deleted. This helps with syncing your account credentials for the game after changing your password.
Game Install folder change
If you continue to see oddness, and the Launcher loads, check the Settings > Games options in the Launcher. Make sure the file location matches your current full game install. Moving your game file and not syncing the location here can cause issues.