Star Citizen provides a wide range of content for both players looking for a primarily PVE experience, as well as ace pilots and gunslingers looking for opportunities to test their skills against other players. To ensure the rights of citizens operating in UEE space or a lawful organization's territory are protected, there are laws in place. Laws in Star Citizen are designed to deter hyper-aggressive gameplay and random attacks on law-abiding citizens.
There are currently three systems in place that make up our Crimestat Systems. These three systems are the Local Law System, the Criminality System, and the Reputation System. Early versions of these systems have already been introduced in the 'verse, but they will continue to be refined and adjusted as Star Citizen continues to grow.
What's considered to be criminal activity in the 'verse is still a work in progress, but in most cases, your moral compass will serve you well. Obviously criminal acts like unwarranted attacks on innocent players and NPCs, ramming civilian ships, and transporting controlled substances in UEE space are a fast track to interstellar notoriety.
When in lawful territory, you may encounter UEE authorities who'll ask you to stop so they can scan your vehicle. Refusing to stop and/or fleeing from them will provoke them to open fire on your ship. If the scan doesn't reveal anything illegal onboard your vessel, they'll apologize for the interruption and be on their way. Should the scan reveal you're carrying illegal contraband or stolen goods, the stolen goods will be instantly confiscated and you may be issued a fine.
Notes: At a later date, dependent on the severity of your infraction, you may be fined or arrested. For now, they'll shoot first and ask questions later.
At this time, there is no messaging informing players that items have been confiscated from them. Our system designers are working on messaging at this time.
There are also plans to introduce features to allow players to counter police scanners and successfully hide contraband.
As your Crimestat Rating increases, you will eventually be treated as an enemy of the UEE by both players and NPCs. Security at various landing zones will open fire on your ship as you approach or depart the station, players may hunt you down to collect your bounty, and certain mission givers may turn you away.
Should your criminal notoriety rise too high, you may find yourself arrested and thrown in prison to payback your debt to society! Klescher Rehabilitation Facilities provides automated services for handling criminals that are serving out their sentences. Attempt to escape if you dare.
The 'verse, however, offers opportunities on both sides of the law. By becoming an enemy of the UEE, you'll also make some shady friends happy to work with someone that doesn't mind getting his or her hands dirty. Fellow outlaws encountered in the 'verse may have jobs and missions available for those with a similar outlook.
The easiest way to get rid of your Criminal Rating is to stay out of trouble and wait. Over time, if you don't commit any further offenses in the 'verse your Criminal Rating will decrease and eventually vanish.
If security services also manage to "take care of you" then your rating will also be reduced or eliminated entirely.
The final option would be to serve out a sentence in prison, the Klescher Rehabilitation Facilities, should you be arrested. While in prison you will be able to complete various jobs on site to earn merits, which can be exchanged to reduce your sentence and get you back into the 'verse sooner. Otherwise, you can simply serve your time...or perhaps try to escape if you dare.
If you prefer a more active approach to getting rid of your criminal status, you can also rapidly clear your criminal rating by hacking the security terminal at Security Post Kareah. You will need to acquire and use a hacking chip from somewhere before attempting this method first.
To do this:
- Land your ship at the designated landing pad on the security station. The designated pad will glow green and have an arrow indicating that it has been assigned to your ship. There is no need to hail Security Post Kareah, it will assign you a pad once you get close enough and drop your landing gear.
Enter the station and head toward the terminal in the center of the first floor.
- With your previously acquired hacking chip in hand and ready to use, login to terminal by approaching it and Pressing F.
Note: The chip will be consumed as soon as this is done.
Once you've logged into the system, the terminal will be begin accessing your criminal record. You will need to periodically interact with the terminal to ensure the process is not halted.
- The final step is to ensure this process isn't interrupted by any newcomers and survive until the process is complete. Should you fail, you will need to acquire a new chip and start over.
Note: Your Crimestat Rating will remain as is until the process has been fully completed. Once the hacking process is done, your criminal rating will be reset. If the process is interrupted at any point, no adjustment to your rating will occur.
Crime Stat That Seems to Never Go Away
Should you be in the strange position where security turrets and other things are firing on you despite not having a crime stat, as strange as it may sound, you may need to check your system clock.